Monday, April 4, 2011

Running without Going Anywhere

Since I've begun running, people are always surprised that I do all of my running on a treadmill. I typically don't watch TV (unless someone else at the gym has it on). I don't listen to music or podcasts because I could never get headphones that would stay in my ears once I started sweating profusely (note: this happens quite early in any run). So what do I do? I think. I figure fractions in my head of how far I've gone. I count down the remaining time. I stare blankly at the wall.

Anyway, a bullet-point list of why running on the treadmill works best for me:

  • The treadmill is easier on my joints. I figure if I'm going to be a runner for a while, I need to do what I can to take care of my hips, knees, and ankles. I've found the treadmill deck to be much more forgiving than pavement, road base, cement. I know some people live near nice, cushiony running trails. Good for you. I don't.
  • I don't have to deal with the elements. It's not freezing cold. It's not scorching hot. The wind isn't blowing against me. I hate running in the wind and it seems like it's always windy.
  • I can control my pace. I know there are advanced GPS gizmos out there that help with this, but I like being able to set exactly how fast I want to run.
  • I don't have to carry water and carbs for long runs. I know when you run races, you have drinks and stuff at stations along the way, but when you're training?
  • I don't have to figure out a route for how far I want to run that day that starts and ends at my house.
  • No dogs barking and chasing me.
  • Can it be boring? Sure. But I don't really see that it's significantly more boring than running outside.
  • I can go to the gym, run, and shower during lunch so it's not cutting into my family time in the evening or forcing me to get up much earlier.
I guess that's about it.

Now I'm not not trying to convince anyone that runs outside to run on a treadmill. To each his own. And I know that when I run races outside, I'm going to be sore in a whole new way. But for now, it's what works for me.


Rachel said...

I totally get this, being that I'm an elliptical runner for all of the reasons you just mentioned. All of my friends are outside runners and have had injuries and interesting issues with running partners...I like being accountable only to myself. I also like that I can watch the kids, watch a movie or read a book (yes, I do that occasionally) while I run...multi-tasking is great. I DO have running trails a couple minutes from my house, but I don't have to share them with other people, dogs or snakes (heaven forbid I break my leg trying to run from one of those). Anyway...I get it. :)

Alicia said...

Great post, cuz. Almost 2 years ago, I traded a lousy washer/dryer set that was old and cruddy for a nice treadmill. I got the better end of the deal. The couple who traded with me said they never used it because it is so boring and they prefer to run outside. Ha. Anyway, I set it up in my bedroom so my child won't get injured messing with it. It has a safety lock thing on it to prevent that as well. Anyway, it's one of the greatest things I ever did...get that treadmill. I feel like it's always there, I can always use it, no matter how crappy the weather outside. It's on my side of the bed, too so it's the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night. It's good for me to have that constant reminder to take care of myself by using it. I listen to an iPod though.

j said...

I use headphones that just clip onto my ears (these ones:, as opposed to the kind that go into my ear, not because my ears get sweaty and slippery, just because I don't like the feeling of having things inside my ears when I'm exercising. I would crazy with boredom without something to watch or listen to.

Kathy Mouritsen said...

We are so proud of you.
Mom and Dad

Rich said...

My parents are proud of me! Now I can die in peace.