Sunday, September 8, 2024


Here in a few days, my favorite person will celebrate another birthday.

Jeanell is the most amazing and wonderful person I know and I am overcome daily that I get to see her and spend time with her nearly every day and that I am someone she loves.

As I think back on our life together, I am floored by the number of times she supported me at great personal sacrifice.

When we got married, I was between my junior and senior year at Utah State. We would need to move to Logan so I could finish school. So she moved herself and her three boys to Logan to live in a cinder block apartment and took care of the boys while I worked and went to school. Before we left Logan, we'd add a fourth boy to the equation.

We moved to Ogden after I finished school and about a year after I finished my bachelor's degree at USU, I became aware of an MBA program at Weber State that was catered to people who were working full-time. Nucor (Vulcraft), who I worked for at the time, offered tuition reimbursement, so I thought it might be a good investment. I approached Jeanell with the idea and she told me to do it, even though by this point in time she was working herself. On the night's I'd have school I'd get home and she'd have to leave shortly after for her overnight shift at Walmart. She did this for three years while I completed the MBA program in 2005.

A year after that, I was invited to be part of a project team that would work on implementing a new ERP system for the Vulcraft divisions within Nucor. The rumor was that there would be a nice bonus for those on this project team, but it would entail traveling to Dallas every week for 12-18 months. I talked to Jeanell about it and she again told me to go for it. As I look back on it, I can't believe that I even asked her to take that on, let alone that she accepted. Our sons would have been aged 5-11 when I started that and I would be gone from early Monday morning to Thursday evening every single week. Jeanell took that on, continuing to work full-time and also be a single-parent during the week.

Jeanell has always been my biggest cheerleader and has encouraged me to take on opportunities, even when me doing so means more work and responsibility on her.

Last week, I wrote about my dad's death and how immediately after he died, several of us went on a road trip to see a BYU football game. While we did that, Jeanell stayed at home and went through pictures and prepared items to display at my dad's viewing and funeral.

But beyond blessing my life personally, the fact that I get to be in her life lets me get a glimpse of how she lifts and blesses those around her. I see the cards and notes she gets from people grateful for all that she does for them. I see the gifts she gives. I see how she is always looking for opportunities to serve other people, a meal for someone who is sick, a ride for someone's kids, books for someone's classroom. I see how she supports local businesses purchasing wreaths, charms, and other decor items from people in town. I see how despite her busy schedule she goes to as many of her nieces and nephews sporting events or other performances as she can. She's been to ballroom competitions, choir concerts, piano recitals, dance recitals, and I'm sure others I can't think of right now.

I love Jeanell with all my heart and am so grateful she is mine. Happy Birthday my love!

The response I often get when I try to compliment Jeanell or tell her how wonderful she is is "Well of course you're going to say that, you're my husband." So I wanted to invite some other people to chime in on Jeanell and what she means in their lives...

(The photo selections are my responsibility and I know the subjects will not be happy with some (maybe all) of my selections. Some are recent, some from long ago. Where possible, I just tried to find a picture that I thought captured the essence of the relationship. That was easier in some cases than in others. Sometimes I just had to find a picture that both Jeanell and the other person were in and in some cases I couldn't even do that. Sue me).

"Oh what to say... So much... 

"I am so grateful to have you in my life. Your kindness, support, and friendship mean more to me than you know. Thank you for always being there for us and for bringing so much joy and laughter into our lives. I cherish our friendship and am blessed to call you my friend. Because of you I have been able to experience things I only dreamed of... Thank you. You are the most beautiful creature I know. Happy Birthday! You deserve all the good things." - Trista

"Nellie is one of a kind. She’s everyone’s favorite person (including mine) and that’s no surprise. That must be why I love her son so much too ;). She’s the life of the party, but also the most selfless person I’ve ever met. She will do anything to make sure you feel special. The way she loves and takes care of her family has always been amazing to me. I hope that one day I can be half the mom that she is to her kids. She is so special to me and I will always cherish the special bond we have. I love Nellie so much and hope she has the best birthday!" - Kareena

"Jeanell is an angel here on earth. She seeks out those among us who need to be noticed. Her words are so loving and encouraging. She makes others feel noticed, accepted and loved!  Jeanell does quiet acts of kindness that mean the world to the receiver. I love that beautiful friend with all my heart. I hope that goodness and happiness will follow her all the days of her life. She’s an amazing person!  Happy birthday!❤️💕❤️" - Karma

"Jeanell is one of my favorite people. She’s thoughtful, has gone the extra mile to make special days - like my birthday and other holidays - extra special. She’s funny and fun to be with. She’s also gone out of her way to include me in things that she knows I enjoy: theater, trips, and get-togethers. 

"She’s fast! She’s fun! She’s thoughtful!

"I love her!" - Uncle Scott

"Since Dick passed away, Jeanell has taken on the task of keeping Dick's grave beautiful and I so appreciate the care that she has put into that endeavor. It is a great kindness to me. I adore her." - Mom Mouritsen

"I love Jeanell. I have never had anyone besides blood family who has my back the way she does. And not just my back, but the backs of my loved ones. I think she might fight someone for me if I asked her to. I always feel like she is the popular girl that everyone wants to be friends with, and I feel so honored that she sits and talks to ME. She has always made me feel like I'm good enough, even though I just sit in awe of all that she does. I couldn't love her more if she were born my sister.❤️❤️" - Shannon

"I love Jeanell. She is the sister-in-law I can discuss juicy things with. I love seeing her and her always beautiful hair at the grocery store. She is easy to talk to, quick with a good joke, and fun to be around. Happiest of birthdays to you Jeanell!" - Hannah

"Jeanell is awesome! She strikes me as funny, focused, and hardworking. She is selfless, family-oriented, and kind. 

"She didn’t give me a hard time when I asked for certain Mountain Dew zero drinks, which I appreciated. 

"She’s also an aunt who takes an active interest in the lives of her nieces and nephews, which makes them feel loved and appreciated." - Alan

"Jeanell is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. I love how kind and thoughtful she is. When I was first introduced to all of the Jefferies family, she made me feel loved and welcomed. She always puts the needs of others before her own. She is extremely talented. Her house is decorated so beautifully for every holiday. I couldn’t ask for a better sister. I love you Jeanell. Happy birthday!" - Connilyn

"Jeanell is a hardworking person. She is very good at decorating her house. She is caring and very sweet. I couldn’t ask for a better sister. I love you. Happy Birthday Jeanell" - Collin

"Jeanell is Graceful (elegance of action), Generous (always giving more than expected in kindness and friendship to friends and strangers), and Gracious (elegance of spirit). She lights up a room with her kind spirit when she enters and lifts everyone around her with her kindness!

"Happy Birthday Jeanell! I’m grateful to have had your influence in my life." - Becky

"I have known Nellie for the majority of my life.  My first memories of her are from the 1st grade.  I didn't think she liked me all that much until I broke my ankle. The day I came back to school after taking a day off from my injuries, she gave me a Care Bear Necklace. Which I loved!! I knew we would be soul sisters from that time on.  

"Nell has a heart of gold, and I am so honored to call her my sista! Not only do I adore her, my kiddos do as well.

"Happy Birthday Nellie!! Love you Bunches!!" - Sandy

"I love that she's always been a free spirit who never cared what people thought. She is probably one of the most genuine and caring people I know. She really took Sydnie under her wing not only with a job but took her to several plays and dinner which she absolutely loved! I've always loved her personality and sense of humor. I couldn't ask for a better sister than her!" - Ryan

"I am grateful to have Jeanell as my sister. She is kind and accepting of me, just as she is to all people. I admire this about her. I have always felt supported by her and she has continued that support as our family has evolved and grown over the years. She has always been kind to my children, and continues to support them through life's important occasions. I’m thankful for that. I love her laugh and sense of humor. She’s quick to laugh and find reasons to enjoy herself, and doesn’t take herself too seriously. I like this about her. When situations become awkward or difficult, she has the ability to keep her cool and talk things through. That seems to be a rare quality these days, and makes her a person who’s easy to be around.  

"I love you Nellie. Happy brithday! Thank you for who you are." - Cam

"I don't think I have enough space or time to write everything I could about Nellie. 

"When we were younger, I remember having our own bedrooms but many times ending up in the same bed, anyway. She'd play Barbies with me and let me tag along when her friends were over, which I appreciate a lot more now as an adult. She'd stick up for me and let friends (and, later, boyfriends) have it if she felt they weren't playing fair.

"We'd play on the registers when the store was closed and while the boys cleaned the floors, roller skate, play hide 'n seek in the shelves, play soccer, ride our bikes...all things you could never do now.

"She always had "great ideas" that I would follow along with and sometimes ended up being the victim of. Like building a "canopy bed" in a nook in one of our rooms, only to have the jewelry box and other things used to hold one end of the canopy/sheet slide off and land on my head. Or when she wanted to give me a perm and reversed the order of the curlers, followed by her taking pictures of my distress after seeing the results. Or when she crimped my ear while giving me a make-over of some sort. And when she bought rollerblades after we were both adults, so we could go rollerblading to the store. I'm not sure if there was an injury involved there but I'm kind of guessing there was, given our track record. I'd say most memories were because she had an 'idea.'

"She's taken me to many concerts, mostly country, and made me feel brave enough to get up and dance. Some of my most fun travels have been with her and I've been lucky to go many places with her and Mom. My favorite moments are when it's late and we're tired and everything is funny. I love when her laugh gets wheezy and we can't seem to stop.

"Whenever we travel, she's usually the driver...literally but also figuratively. She gets an idea and turns it into the best memories of that trip. She lightens the mood and makes everything a party. It's so easy to travel together because there's no drama.

"I've never known anyone who is able to have fun but work hard like her. She's one of the hardest workers I know. She seems to defy the laws of time because she accomplishes more than it seems like she should be able to. Working full-time, keeping an immaculately clean AND fully decorated home, taking care of her family and supporting her kids' endeavors, spending time with not only immediate, but extended family, keeping fit, going to school...there's not enough time to do it all but somehow she does.

"She's selfless and thoughtful. I could write a book on all the ways she's supported and served me and my kids. She always mothered me when we were younger and that's carried over into adulthood. When we were in our car accident, she got me home and gave me a bath and washed my hair. She was there when each of my kids' was born. I'd come home after a long day at the doctor's with Cate and there would be dinner sitting on the kitchen island. She took Emma on numerous weekends when we lived far apart, one time even sending her home potty-trained. She takes an interest in my kids' lives and treats them like her own. She reads Harry Potter books and watches the movies with Cate after they finish each book. She helps chauffeur Emma to and from school. She's shoveled our snow-packed driveway more than once. She spoils us. If that weren't amazing enough, we're not the only ones she's given her time and resources to. She goes out of her way for so many others. She's one of the most generous people I know. She's taught me a lot about serving others.

"I've always been not-so-secretly grateful that I only had one sister. If there had been more girls, I'm almost certain I would not be her favorite sister. ;) We are different in many ways and if there were more of us, I wonder if that would naturally separate us a little, so I'm really grateful that we're what we've got and she was only left with one choice. I love that we can be different and be close. 

"I'm incredibly blessed to call her my sister." - Rachel

"On September 12, 1977, a little, red-haired angel turned my world upside down. In a good way! There are no words to describe my feelings at that time. She has been like a tornado ever since. She is loving, generous, compassionate, committed to her beliefs and standards. All the lives she touches are better because of her!

"I think of her efforts in raising Maggie, the little black cat. I know she is there for me just like that if I need her to be. I don’t know what we would do if she wasn’t involved in our business. She is decisive, intelligent, respected, and respectful.

"Our team members love her. She works so hard in all she is involved in. She is the life of our family parties.  She is fun, energetic, with a little spice and a lot of sweet!!  I can’t imagine life without her. Happiest of birthdays Bubbins.

"I love you more than words can say!" - Dad

"I love and appreciate Jeanell so much but I don’t feel like I’m much of a writer. I have obviously known Jeanell for a very long time and had the privilege of working with her for several years as well. I feel like I’ve always connected well with her meaning I feel like we understand each other very well. I remember being so excited about the two of you getting together when I came home from my mission. She’s in the picture when I came off the plane. She’s always been so supportive of me and Shannon and our kids. I’ve always loved the random calls or texts that I get from her. I love how she encouraged you to try this latest gig of being the voice of the Cowboys. I feel like that is how she lives her life, 'I might as well try this if it’s something I’m interested in.'

"We love Jeanell and wish her the happiest of birthdays!!" - Scott

"My mom is one of my few best friends. From my toddler years, my grumpy teenage years, and
young adulthood life, she’s always been there for me. As I’ve gotten older, she’s become more
and more of a safe place for me. I can talk to her about anything, joke with her about anything,
and I can just be myself around her without any fear of her thinking of me any different. Through my ups and downs in life she has always been that constant safe place I know I can always go to.

"One of the many things that I love about my mom is she would do anything and everything she possibly could for us kids. She takes momma bear to a whole new level. Maybe when I was younger that wasn’t my favorite thing, but as I’ve gotten older it’s one of the many things I admire most about her. Anything we do she will make special in some sort of way, no matter how big or small. She always will go above and beyond. Family is her everything and I know I’ll always be her little guy.

"Not only is she one of a kind on the more serious things in life and family, but she’s also one of the most fun people I know. She always is just wanting to do things with her family and having fun. She’s always the life of the party, (unless I’m there, then it’s a close second) and everyone is always wanting to be where Nellie is at. She brings a brightness to a room that can just make you forget about your worries, and you just want to have a good time. No matter what we’re doing, even if it’s something she doesn’t want to be doing, she always has a smile on her face and making sure everyone is happy.

"I could go on and on about the amazing person my mom is. But I’m sure if you’re reading this,
then you already know firsthand. Hope you have a happiest of birthdays, Mom! Love you!" - Devin

"Happy Birthday, Mom! 

"I can’t say enough how much I appreciate you. I really do consider myself one of the luckiest people ever to have you as my mom. All of the trips we’ve been on and getting to work with you everyday have been some of the best memories of my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. It’s nice knowing that no matter what happens, you’ll always be there for me. Thank you again for everything you do. I love you." - Brayden

"Happy birthday Mom! I hope you have the best birthday ever because you deserve it more than anyone! Thanks for always being so loving and supportive of me. I really don’t know what I’d do without you, you’re my best friend and the best mom anyone could ask for. You’ve given me a lifetime of memories already and I’ll always cherish all the fun times we’ve had together. Love you so much❤️" - Tyler (your favorite son)

"Jeanell is such a fun person to be around. When I see Jeanell at a family gathering or out and about around town I know I'm in for some fun banter. Jeanell is so kind and so thoughtful and her initiative to make Dad's gravesite look lovely has meant so much to me. I love having Jeanell in the family and only wish she could cheer for the true blue of BYU and not the evil red of the university that Brigham Young actually founded. Love you, Nellie!" - Kevin

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