Sunday, March 31, 2024


This last Sunday, I noticed some cracking in the ceiling of my garage. We've lived in our current home longer than any other home we've lived in (we've purchased three homes in our married lives, we bought a home in Ogden, where we lived from 2002 to 2006, then a home in Elwood, where we lived from 2006 to 2013, and now we've been in our current home since 2015), so this was a new experience for me and I wasn't sure if this was indicative of some kind of problem or just a normal part of home ownership.

I texted my neighbor Rob on Monday.

Me: Hey Rob, sorry to bother you. I noticed this in my ceiling in my garage and just don't know how big of a concern it is. Any thoughts?

Rob: Hmm, looks like cracking. I can take a look tonight when I get home.

That evening, right after dinner, Rob was at my door, along with his son Zach, who just got his general contractor license. They came into the garage, surveyed the damage, and quickly reassured me that they had dealt with the same thing at their house and that it was most likely just part of normal house settling.

That was really all I was looking for, was whether or not it was a problem, but Rob and Zach wouldn't leave it at that. They insisted they could fix it. Within a few minutes, Zach was in my attic with a flashlight and other tools and Rob had brought over his saw along with a few boards of various lengths. In no time at all, they had cut a board to the needed length, attached it to a truss in the attic, and then screwed the drywall on the ceiling into the bottom of the board. When they came into the house to get into the attic, they saw that we had something similar in our kitchen ceiling and insisted they could fix that too. Zach has been back a few times this week, to apply plaster and texture it to complete the repair.

This is far from the first time Rob has come to my rescue.

Feb 1, 2018

Me: Hey Rob, are you around? Can you call me if convenient?

Our downstairs shower was stuck with the water on and we weren't really sure what to do about it. We had also stripped out the screw on the faucet trying to get it off because we didn't have an allen wrench of the right size. Rob was headed to a basketball game, but came over, helped us cut the faucet off and told us the part we needed to get and replace to fix the problem.

Nov. 18, 2019 (9:13 PM)

Me: Sorry to bother you so late. Are you around? Do you have a 1" crescent wrench?

I think this was just a running toilet, a problem with the flapper. The old flapper had to be cut off in order to replace it. Rob was over within ten minutes, helping me fix the problem. If I recall correctly, he also bought us a new flapper the next day at Home Depot (he just happened to need to go there anyway, or at least that was his story).

May 13, 2020

Me: Are you home? If you have a minute, I have another problem in my backyard and could use some advice.

Rob: I am on my way home still, I should be home shortly. Absolutely, I would love to come over and help. What is it in regards to? Drip lines? Sprinklers? Or do you need me to dig a hole?

(As Nate Bargatze says, digging a hole is impossible, and here Rob is offering to dig one without even being asked).

Oct 10, 2021

Me: I'm sorry to bother you on the Sabbath. Do you happen to be home?

Rob: Yes, I am home.

Me: Ok if I call you?

Rob: Yes

I don't even remember what this one was about, but I know that whatever it was, Rob helped me with it.

May 5, 2023 (9:22 PM)

Me: Hey Rob, are you home? And awake?

Rob: I am awake, but I'm not home. I'm on my way home. I should be there in about 25 minutes. What's up?

Me: Can I call you?

Rob: You bet!

I had had some topsoil delivered on the road in front of my house and was worried about someone not seeing it and running into it. Rob helped me put some reflectors on the pile so people would be able to see it.

Rob, his wife Jenny, and his whole family have been wonderful neighbors to us over the years. Hopefully everyone has the opportunity to have a neighbor like Rob.

As I've been thinking about the blessing Rob and his family have been to us over the years, I've also thought about other neighbors I've had in my life.

I can't talk about neighbors without mentioning my "neighbors to the south" for the past nearly nine years. We live next-door to my brother/brother-in-law and Jeanell's sister/sister-in-law and their kids. Though with each of our busy lives, we don't interact and spend as much time together as you might think, they are always there for us when we need them and I love having them so close. Our backyards are adjoining with no fence in between and I love that our kids (the self-proclaimed "doubins", for double cousins) can and frequently do go back and forth between houses through our backyards. I love hearing a knock at the backdoor, opening it up, and seeing Cate there to inquire if Nellie is home.

One of my favorite memories was when Emma (my niece who is the same age as my daughter Lila) was over late one night as they were waiting for Mr. (Matt) Price to send the email for the casting for the production of the musical "Freaky Friday" that they were going to be a part of at their school (Excelsior Academy). It got to be after 11:00 and they finally gave up and decided the email wasn't going to come that night and Emma left to go home, through the backyard. Ten seconds after she left, the email came, and Lila sprinted out, with Emma sprinting back, meeting in the backyard and opening the email together excitedly. Lila was cast as the mother and Emma as the daughter. They were so happy.

Who knows what life will bring, but I hope that we are next-door neighbors for many years to come. 

In Elwood, we lived next to Kirk and Vickie Day. Kirk had built the house we lived in as a spec home and was always there to help us out in any way we needed. He poured our back patio and a basketball court in our backyard (at a heavily discounted rate). He helped me put together and install the basketball hoop I bought for our court. He would plow the snow in front of our house with his tractor. He helped me numerous times with water getting into our basement.

And of course there are the neighbors we had at the home I grew up in on Eastmoor Drive. Tom Tripp and Lyle Lawton have been our neighbors for years and have helped us in so many ways over the years. Tom puts up and takes down my mom's Christmas lights (among many other things) and Lyle recently helped my brothers and me put down plastic and rock in the flowerbeds between the wall and the sidewalk north of my mom's house. Lyle is over 80. I remember Lynn Young (who lived behind us on Main Street in my younger years) fixing our old Blue Bomb years ago.

My dad went to prison for a year (maybe at some point I'll get into that story, but I won't go into details here) when I was a junior in high school. There are two people in particular I remember helping us at that time (though I know there were many).

Jerry Aldridge would take care of our cars and make sure they were running well. When we would be planning a trip to visit Dad (he was at Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas), Jerry would come and make sure the Komfort Koach (the big blue van we drove at that time) was ready for the trip.

But maybe the most selfless neighbor we had was Warren Archer, who lived next-door to the south (along with his wife Edwina and mother Mildred).  Warren would participate in hikes to Deseret Peak well into his 70s, often wearing shorts that some might describe as a tad too short.

When my dad went to prison, Warren, who was already retired at the time, worked the job my dad had prior to going to prison in order to hold it for him when he got back, and gave the earnings from that job to my mom to help pay the bills. Like Rob, Warren also knew how to fix anything. I didn't live at home at the time, but a favorite story my brother Kevin has related was how some kind of leak sprang in our basement bathroom and Kevin was trying to stop it and yelled to Brent and McKell (my two youngest siblings), "Go get Warren!"

In the age of social media, I find it easy to get caught up in the things we don't agree on. Our differences in beliefs on politics, religion, etc. can make us feel divided. But I think we need to remember that people our generally good and our willing to go out of their way for the benefit others. So grateful for good neighbors.

Zach is to the right of me and Rob is kneeling on the right.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Big Fish

As is probably clear by now, I have no real organization or plan of what I am going to write about each week.  While I have several draft posts of topics I could and at some point would like to write about, a lot of what I write for a particular week is based on events that happen and give me inspiration (if you can call it that) of something I could write about.

This week has been spent primarily attending my daughter Lila's performances of Big Fish at Centerpoint Legacy Theatre. If you haven't seen the musical, or the 2003 film starring Ewan MacGregor and Albert Finney, it's about a father who has always told wild and impossible stories about his life and about his son, who is skeptical of the stories, who is trying to understand his father as his father is dying from cancer. It's a wonderful show with many wonderful themes and messages about living life and the relationships we develop. If you haven't seen the musical, I highly recommend seeing it if given the opportunity.

As I've seen the show multiple times this past week, it's caused me to think about my own father, who passed away a little over two years ago. I've thought about the stories of his life that he shared with me, about the relationship we had, and about the legacy he left behind  While my dad's stories were not as exaggerated and improbable as those of Edward Bloom (the main character of Big Fish), they shared a love of puns and dumb jokes, and like Edward, my dad had a large personality and had an impact on many people that he encountered in his life.

Inspired by Big Fish, I want to share some of the stories my dad shared about his early life. Since my mom found a history my dad had written of his early life, I will quote some from him directly. Others, I will share to the best of my recollection.


"For some reason I developed a great love for the smell of gasoline. I was known for going around in the church parking lot, and opening the gas tanks just to get a whiff of that good, fresh gasoline. Because we lived on a farm and had great demand for gasoline to run the farming operations, we had a five hundred gallon tank just directly north and west of our house. On top of that tank was the opening through which the gasoline was put when the big trucks would come. Well, my love for that smell led me to the top of our big five hundred gallon tank, and having removed the cap I placed myself in a prone position with my nose inside the cap area and began to enjoy those beautiful fumes. The next thing I remember, I was in the doctor's office and was told that I had done something very foolish, and if it hadn't been for my mother, I probably would have died. Apparently by mother had been prompted to come out of the house. She came out back, saw me on top of the tank and knew immediately that I had passed out. She climbed up and pulled me off the tank and rushed me to the doctor. I have always admired the spiritual awareness that my mother possessed in being sensitive to the still, small voice and being able to respond to that voice in times of need."


"When I was a little older, I think I was seven or eight, I borrowed by brother's bow and arrow, and in the fall of the year, went out into the cornfield to practice my archery abilities. I would shoot the arrow and then retrieve it, and then shoot it again and retrieve it. After doing this for some time I began to tire and so I would (aim) the arrow higher so it would land closer so I wouldn't have to walk as far to retrieve it. Eventually I found myself shooting the arrow straight into the air. On one such mighty thrust, the arrow went up and seemingly disappeared. I could not see it and I stood there waiting for it to come back. Suddenly the arrow hit the bill of my ball cap and landed in an upright position between my feet. Had that arrow been over closer to me by a matter of inches, I would not be here today to tell this story."


As my dad got a little older, he began to work for neighboring farmers to bring additional income for his family. He tells of being kicked in the head by a particular cow because he had neglected to put the hobbles on her and that after being knocked into the gutter would have again been killed (I'm detecting a pattern) if the next cow over had stepped back at that moment.

"Another time, Paul (my dad's brother) and I were working for a fellow by the name of Arnold Troseth. We had an open house up at school one night, and mother had to come to get us from milking the cows for Brother Troseth. When she came, it was decided that I would clean up and Paul would feed, but I thought that I was to feed and he would clean up. Well, as it ended up, both of us fed and neither of us cleaned up, and we left that night without cleaning up. The next morning Brother Troseth called and wanted to know if something had happened. We said, 'No, there was no problem. Everything was fine.' And he said, 'Well, the reason I called was that when I went out this morning to milk the cows I found the milkers already on the cows and they have been there all night long.'"


I remember Dad telling us about his girlfriend in junior high named Dixie, and how he made her a tape of him singing some song (we can't remember what the song was), but inserting her name into it. (No idea why he would do something like this). Somehow or other my grandpa got a hold of the tape and my dad said Grandpa would listen to it and laugh until tears rolled down his cheeks.


In high school, my grandpa told my dad that he would be unable to play basketball because the family needed him to work. Because he loved basketball, my dad begged and begged Grandpa to let him play, and finally he relented, but not until try-outs were over. So my dad went to the coach and begged and begged to be allowed to try-out, and finally the coach relented, and my dad made the team. But then, Grandpa came back and said he was sorry, but the family needed his income and he would have to quit. Dad went and dejectedly told the coach, who had allowed him to try-out late, that he would be unable to play after all.

The Car

After my dad and my Uncle Paul had left for college, my Uncle Paul at some point bought a car. For some reason, my dad took the car home, which was the first time my grandpa saw it. My dad's family had always owned Volkswagens and this car was not a Volkswagen and my grandpa was not happy. He began to chew out my dad, with my dad unable to even get a word in. Finally, my dad blurted out "Dad! I didn't buy it! Paul did!" to which my grandpa replied "I don't care! He's your brother!" To my dad's recollection and knowledge, Grandpa never said anything about it to Paul.

These are just a few stories from my dad's early years that I remember him telling us over the years. Seeing Big Fish made me remember some of these stories and think about my dad and our relationship. While we maybe weren't as close as we could have been, or in retrospect, as close as I wish we'd been, I certainly loved him, and he was a great dad to me. Sometimes I'll say things to my own kids and I can totally hear my dad saying the same thing and in the same manner.

I'll end with some lyrics from my favorite song from Big Fish, How It Ends:

I know I wasn't perfect
I know my life was small
I know that I pretended that
I knew it all
But when you tell my story
And I hope somebody does
Remember me as something
Bigger than I was

I love you Dad.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

It's a Musical!

I am not a talented musician. I can somewhat carry a tune (but don't ask me to harmonize) and I used to be able to play 3-4 songs on the piano (Cheers, Unchained Melody, and like my dad, Moonlight Sonata). But despite my lack of musical talent, I have always enjoyed musicals, whether movies or on the stage.

My earliest memory of a musical that I liked was the much-maligned Popeye movie musical starring Robin Williams and Shelly Duvall with such memorable hits as "I Will Gladly Pay You Tuesday..." and "I Am What I Am." I liked it so much that my parents bought an 8-Track (yes, I'm old) of the soundtrack.

I also have memories of Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music movie versions. The memory is pretty vague, but I believe my dad (and if I recall correctly, just my dad) took me to a stage version of The Sound of Music. And if I had to guess where it was playing, I'd guess Pioneer Memorial Theatre. I don't know that I have it anymore, but it seems that I had the playbill of that performance for years afterward, with white flowers (edelweiss) on the cover.

Another fond memory from my early years is my dad receiving two cassette tapes of soundtracks for either Father's Day or his birthday. He opened the first (Fiddler on the Roof) and began singing "If I Were a Rich Man." As he opened the second, he thought it was something other than what it was and began singing a song from that show (I can't for the life of me remember what it was), but as he finished opening and saw what it was immediately transitioned into "Oooooklahoma! Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain." We listened to those two soundtracks, as well as The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, and The Music Man throughout my childhood. In particular, I remember listening to "(Ya Got) Trouble!" from The Music Man over and over in my room, trying to memorize it and to "I Could've Danced All Night" from My Fair Lady while trying to fall asleep.

In high school, I joined the Esteem Team (a theatre/anti-drug organization at our school) and through that class and its incomparable leader, Bill Green, expanded my horizons as far as musical theatre was concerned. The first show I remember seeing was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at The Grand Theatre. I was mesmerized. It was the greatest thing I had ever seen. The following summer, I saw Les Miserables for the first time at Capitol Theatre and immediately fell in love (it remains my favorite musical).

Some of the shows I remember seeing in high school: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and Into the Woods (both at the Grand and my first introduction to Sondheim, whose music and lyrics I grew to adore), Evita, Little Shop of Horrors, and Man of La Mancha at Pioneer Memorial, and Cats at Capitol (my and Jeanell's first date). The Esteem Team also traveled to Las Vegas and saw Andrew Lloyd Webber's Starlight Express.

While in high school, all of the CDs I purchased were Broadway soundtracks. I reasoned that the other music I liked (mostly country at the time) I could hear on the radio, so if I was going to spend money on music I should spend it on music I couldn't find on the radio. From that I was introduced to the concept albums for Jekyll and Hyde and The Scarlet Pimpernel by Frank Wildhorn. My dad fell in love with the song "Til You Came Into My Life" from the Jekyll and Hyde concept album (it didn't end up in the finished show) and my brother Brent sang that song at his funeral.

Due to my limited musical talents I have only actually been in a few musicals. My senior year of high school, the inestimable Matt Price directed a production of Shenandoah and I was cast as one of the brothers (my actual brother Scott and good friend George were two of my brothers in the show). Later, in May following my sophomore year of college (1999), I was in a production of Joseph at the Ivy Garden (again as a brother, Zebulun). Finally, just a few years ago, I was in another production of Joseph (again as a brother, but this time Levi) at the Clark Farm (2017). So with all of the shows I have been in, I have always played a brother (I guess since I have five real-life brothers, they figured I could pick up playing a brother rather easily) and all three shows were directed by Matt Price.

In another strange twist of fate, when I was in Joseph in 1999, Jeanell's then brother- and sister-in-law were also in the cast and Jeanell attended one of the shows with her then-husband Brad and their oldest son Devin. I don't recall that we specifically interacted (though Jeanell remembers my mom telling Devin what a handsome boy he was), but later that summer, after her marriage had ended, we both attended a BBQ up South Willow Canyon with several of our high school classmates. Through that and a couple of other chance encounters, we began dating and were married the following May.

Musical theatre has continued to be a big part of our life. The first show I saw on Broadway was The Lion King (while on a trip with the Jefferies family adults). A few years later, we took our boys back and saw Wicked. And in recent years, we have made multiple trips, both just Jeanell and I and with various combinations of family. Some of the shows we've seen on Broadway: Hamilton (twice), Beautiful (twice), Waitress (thrice?), Dear Evan Hansen (twice), The Music Man (with Hugh and Sutton), Book of Mormon (twice), MJ (twice), Company (with Patti Lupone), Six (twice), Moulin Rouge (twice), Miss Saigon, Funny Girl (with Lea Michele), Sweeney Todd (twice), and probably a few others I am forgetting.

(A funny story about Sweeney Todd, the first time we saw it, we mistakenly bought the tickets for the wrong night. When we discovered our error, we felt we had no choice but to purchase tickets for the show we had been intending to attend, which we did, but when we arrived we discovered that we were on the second row, which sounds good, but in this particular theatre, the stage is elevated in a way that you can't see the whole stage from the second row. Lila was so frustrated by her inability to see that we bought her a ticket to come back by herself the following day. We would later find out that the tickets we had purchased are not sold by the theatre, but are only awarded to winners of their ticket lottery. Fortunately, we were able to get our money back).

While Broadway is wonderful and the talent is unsurpassed, I also enjoy attending local and community theatre shows. We've had season tickets to Centerpointe Theatre in Centerville the last few years. We've also seen The King and I, The Sound of Music, and Secret Garden at The Old Church in Grantsville, Guys and Dolls and Into the Woods by Lehi Performing Arts, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee by Sandy Arts, and Little Women and The Drowsy Chaperone at the Murray Amphitheatre.

Jeanell and I both grew up loving musical theatre and it's a love we've been able to share with our family. Whether it's the music, the lyrics, or the powerful messages conveyed, I hope that musical theatre will always play a big part of my life.

I'll end with a few YouTube clips of some favorites, the first for its comedy, and the other three for the important messages these songs convey.

Disclaimer: I don't find any of these songs particularly offensive, but everyone has their different standards, so if you find anything offensive, I apologize.

First, from Something Rotten: A Musical (the absurdity of musical theatre that we love)

Second, from The Drowsy Chaperone: As We Stumble Long (about the struggle of life and finding joy where we can).

Third, from Hello Dolly!: Before the Parade Passes By (the widow Dolly Levi explaining to her deceased husband that she needs to move on and live life while she can).

And finally, from Fly By Night (never on Broadway, but Off Broadway): Cecily Smith (about how life is not the things that we do, but who we're doing them with. This song hit me especially hard immediately after my dad's death).

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Tyler and Brayden (The Twins)

I imagine it can be a challenge to be a twin. I'm sure it has its benefits as well, but I think it can be difficult to be appreciated individually when you're a twin. I'm sure there are twins who are very different in their likes, interests, personality, and even appearance, but that is not the case for our twins. All of this is a very long-winded way of saying that I wanted to write separate posts for Tyler and Brayden, but when I try to think how those posts would be different, I don't come up with a lot.

While not a twin, I can relate somewhat due to the similarities in appearance I have with my brothers. At times, I am greeted quite enthusiastically by people who I am quite certain I have never met in my life. One of my favorites was picking up some takeout at Casa del Rey a few years ago and the worker at the window, thinking I was my brother Scott (who she'd had as a teacher) said, "Hey! Good to see you! You look different." Another favorite is my Aunt Jacquie (who incidentally is herself a twin) calling my brother Carl "Scott" at a family Christmas party and when Carl corrected her, responding with "Does it matter?"

I still remember when I learned that my twins were going to be born. I was on a mission in Mexico City (this would have been late 1996 or early 1997) and my friend Ashley had organized a friend newsletter as several of us were on missions or otherwise apart following high school. In one of those newsletters, Ashley wrote "Jeanell found out what she is having! And it's not a girl and it's not a boy! In March, she will be giving birth to twins!" (Or something like that).

(One fun thing about two of your sons being born while you were a thousand miles away serving an LDS mission is the fun you can have with other missionaries you served with. I ran into a fellow Mexico City North missionary a few years later in Park City (incidentally, this missionary was the former boyfriend of my sister-in-law, Natalie (Jefferies) We were serving in the same zone when he received his Dear John, though we didn't put it all together until the night before we came home). The twins were with me and when I affirmed that they were mine, you could see the confusion on his face. He immediately began asking the twins how old they were as we walked away).

I wouldn't actually meet Tyler and Brayden until a few years later (when they were two in the fall of 1999). My earliest memory of them is playing football with them in the family room of the townhome where they were living. Several months later, just a couple of months after they turned three I would become their bonus dad.

Some early memories include them getting into Aunt Rachel's scrapbooking and cutting up a bunch of pictures when I was "watching" them, the way they'd both respond with "no, yuh!" when you asked them to do something or said something about them, the way they loved to dress up (Buzz and Woody, Spiderman and Batman, Merry and Pippin, Captain Hook and Smee), the terms and phrases they would come up with ("gray sky" to describe that time of day either before the sun comes up or after it's gone down, but it is light out or "wasted it" to refer to someone finishing the last of something).

The first year Jeanell and I were married, the twins (and Devin) called me "Richard." When Caleb was born, we encouraged them to start calling me "Dad" so that Caleb would learn to call me that rather than by my name, which they have done ever since. But I do remember in their younger years, when they were mad at me, they would revert to calling me "Richard." Or they would threaten to do so.

When we lived in Ogden and Tyler and Brayden were six or seven, they went around the neighborhood and stole the mail from several neighbors' mailboxes. We discovered the crime when random pieces of mail made their way into our house. I still remember collecting what was left and undamaged and walking around the neighborhood, returning what I could to the rightful recipients. I remember all were very nice about it, but one guy tried to tell me that he had been expecting cash from his grandma. I told him I hadn't seen anything like that. I never heard anything else about it so I guess either he was lying or it showed up.

As the boys got older, we bonded primarily over sports, whether watching, participating in, or playing the latest pro or college football or basketball game on the PlayStation or XBox. I used to record all the Jazz games and watch them fast later. One night, I was just sitting down to watch the latest game when I heard Tyler exclaim from downstairs "The Jazz lost!" I became unreasonably angry about having the outcome of the game revealed. Jeanell and the boys give me a hard time about it to this day. But it pretty much has broken me of trying to not learn the outcome of a game, intending to watch it later.

I had the privilege of coaching their Junior Jazz teams. We had several good teams over the years, but with subpar coaching, we only got so far and never captured an elusive championship. I also enjoyed watching them compete in baseball and football over the years.

When the twins were thirteen, they (and Devin) decided to move down to Grantsville (we lived in Elwood at the time) to live with their dad. That was a difficult adjustment for Jeanell and I, and probably in a different way, for the boys as well. At one point, Brayden decided he was going to move back to Elwood and live with us again. I took a day off of work and drove down to Grantsville and spent the day helping Brayden get things squared away with school so that he was ready to transfer back to Bear River. This was on a Friday and I drove back home with the plan of coming back to get him on Sunday. But then he changed his mind. I wasn't thrilled at the time, but I think it was the right decision. And I wouldn't have wanted he and Tyler to be split up. I remember he texted me and apologized, and thanked me for coming down and helping him get his grades up in some classes. That meant a lot.

As adults, we have made many wonderful memories with Tyler and Brayden. We've been to four College Football Playoff Semifinal games (Ohio State vs Clemson twice, Alabama vs Cincinatti, and TCU vs Michigan). We've been to see both the Lakers and Clippers play the Warriors in On March 11, 2020 we drove to LA to watch Lebron and the Lakers play the next day. News about Covid was ramping up and so we were following the news throughout the trip, hoping the game wouldn't be canceled. Right as we got to the hotel in LA, we got the news that Rudy Gobert had tested positive for Covid and the NBA was suspending the season. We spent the night in LA and then drove back home the next day (we talked about maybe going to Universal Studios, but I was pretty nervous at the time and convinced Jeanell and the twins that we needed to just go back home).

This last September, we took them to New York, saw a few plays, and attended the Men's Final of the U.S. Open where Djokovic defeated Medvedev in straight sets. It was a great experience, but Brayden (and to a lesser extent Tyler) were upset that Medvedev didn't provide a better match (they'd been hoping for Alcaraz).

One of my favorite parts of these road trips is the opportunity it gives us just to talk. We have different opinions in many areas, and these trips have stimulated great discussion on a variety of topics. Tyler and Brayden help me to see other perspectives and to question my own paradigms. I love the talks we are able to have.

I'm so grateful for Tyler and Brayden and so glad that they came into my life those many years ago.

Sunday, March 3, 2024


My first best friend was David Fawson. When my family moved to Grantsville in 1983, his cousins, the Johansens, lived next door to us on Eastmoor. (Deana Johansen is Big Dave Fawson's twin sister). Our friendship, like I assume many other male friendships, started with a fight. While I don't have any memory of what the fight was about, I do remember wrestling with Dave on the lawn in front of his cousins' house. I don't remember if Dave's dog at the time (Big Zack, I believe) was present on that occasion, but if he was, it's a wonder that I wasn't bitten.

I don't remember how that initial fight transitioned into friendship, but I do know that through Elementary School and into Middle School we were always together.

Building hay forts in Grandpa Vern's haystacks behind their house, exploring Grandpa Vern's fields and catching minnows and leeches in the ponds, investigating some beehives in the fields a little too closely and both being stung a few times, playing basketball on a mini hoop down in the dance room while watching Jazz playoff games, making elaborate "Turkey Delight" sandwiches (I don't remember all of the ingredients, but do remember that they included sauteed onions), helping Grandpa Vern deliver a baby calf, helping Grandpa Vern reshingle the roof of the barn (I remember Grandma Ina writing us each a check for our help on that occasion, paying Dave $15 since he had helped more and me getting $10. We were both thrilled), roller-skating at the Elementary school, Nintendo and spending hours playing Super Mario Bros, sleep-overs, Little Zack, Sunshine Generation, being in the same class at school (at least for 1st and 2nd Grade, when we had Mrs. Baird and Mrs. Syndergaard, respectively), watching BYU football games together, and many, many more.

As we grew older and new friendships entered the picture, we didn't always stay as close. I remember at some point in Middle School he had brought some new friends over. I was there as well, but was feeling left out. I remember crying and being consoled by Barb (Dave's mom).

In High School, we continued to play sports together, but also dated the same girl (yes, Jeanell. Dave dated her first. In what now is hilarious, on New Year's Eve 1992, the three of us ended up together, with me driving them around Grantsville as midnight struck. Of the three of us, I was the one who did not get a kiss at midnight). That put a strain on the friendship for a while, at least. But time went on, and we became friends again.

Dave was always the life of the party. He was the Student-body President and did such a great job. He had so many ideas for how to make school better and led many assemblies and other activities. His humor and enthusiasm always leaves you feeling better about things.

These days, he is my one classmate who I can always count on to show up at the Alumni Basketball Tournament. And even though we aren't quite as good as we once were, there's nothing quite like playing basketball together with good friends.

Last summer, Dave and I along with some other friends (George and Kimi and Kimberly) hiked to Deseret Peak and that was a great chance to be able have some great conversations and catch-up in a way we hadn't been able to in many years.

Finally, just a couple of weeks ago, I reached out to Dave because I needed some carpet stretched in some rooms. Dave showed up, helped me move furniture, stretched the carpet, fixed the carpet on our stairs that the cats ruined, and provided great conversation. And then when we realized our closet also needed the carpet stretched, he came back and took care of that as well.

Dave has been a great friend throughout my life and I'm so glad we're still in touch and see each other.