Sunday, January 21, 2024

Attempting to Blog Again

One of my resolutions for the new year was to "Write a blog post (or equivalent) each week." While other of my resolutions I have kept reasonably well, I have made no real effort at writing a blog post (or equivalent, whatever that means). Today I am attempting to change that.

Part of the problem has been trying to figure out things to write about. My take on current events, politics, local issues? While I certainly have my opinions on many issues, my past efforts in that area haven't typically generated a lot of positive discussion, and in general, I find wading into controversial topics to be exhausting. There may still be times I decide to put an opinion out there on a controversial topic, but for the most part I am content to keep my opinions to myself, unless specifically asked.

So what else of value do I have to write about?

I work out consistently, but don't really consider myself an expert. Maybe from time to time I'll write about that topic. I'm a software developer by profession. I'm not what I would call a cutting-edge developer, but maybe at times I'll write about my job. I enjoy reading, and try to read a variety of almost exclusively non-fiction books. I'm a big fan of stand-up comedy and musical theatre, so maybe at times I could offer opinions on those topics. While I've dedicated less time to it recently, I enjoy researching family history so at times I might write about the experiences of my and/or Jeanell's ancestors.

But since I've never consistently kept a journal (other than the two years I served a mission for the LDS Church), I think I will try to mostly write stories from my life. I don't know that my life has been particularly interesting, so writing about it will probably mostly be for my own benefit. But I feel like I'd like to write some things down so maybe at some point, if someone takes an interest in who I am or what I was about, they might stumble on this blog, and find somewhat of an answer.

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